Tutor helping student with educational therapy

Assessment & Progress Monitoring

EtB provides in-house assessments to better determine a student’s strengths and areas of need. Using norm-referenced and standardized measurement assessments, we utilize the results to develop a student’s action plan. Action plans are customized and personalized for each individual student.

We offer multiple evaluation options including:

  • Basic academic skills battery assessment to determine if your child is performing on grade-level and how they compare to others their age.
  • Academic profile assessment to determine areas of strength and areas that need improvement. Results are utilized to develop an individualized action plan that is customized for your student.
  • Focused in-depth academic assessment including supplemental measures in area(s) of concern.
  • Diagnostic literacy evaluation to identify a specific learning disability in the area of reading (dyslexia) and/or writing (dysgraphia).
  • Speech-language evaluation to identify articulation and/or receptive-expressive language disorders impacting communication and learning.
  • Occupational therapy evaluation to assess visual motor and visual perceptual skills, fine motor development, gross motor skills, motor planning abilities, self-help skills related to dressing/grooming/feeding, self-regulation, and sensory processing abilities.

For each student, Engage the Brain provides ongoing progress monitoring. This can include formal and informal assessments. Parents have access to their child's Google folder containing personalized lesson updates and information on progress. Ongoing communication keeps parents informed. Our academic testing does meet the requirements for annual homeschool evaluations and progress monitoring.

More detailed comprehensive evaluations with educationally-related medical diagnoses are known as psycho-educational evaluations. These are conducted by a school psychologist. You may contact our office for referrals.

For students who have received outside assessments or comprehensive testing, Engage the Brain is available to assist with interpretations, intervention recommendations, provider referrals, school placements, and/or other educational support services.

Individual Testing and Evaluation Services

  • Testing Interpretations and Recommendations
  • School and Educational Placement Recommendations
  • Accommodations and Modifications
  • Student, Family, and School Support
  • Academic Testing to Determine Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Academic Profile
  • Speech and Language Evaluations
  • Occupational Therapy Evaluations
  • Dyslexia diagnosis
  • State Required Homeschool Annual Evaluations